Technical details

We are focusing on "virtual production" to innovate workflow of video production. In virtual production, VR/AR technology is integrated with traditional style of filming.
Previously, shooting in filmmaking is just taking pictures of real objects. In this workflow, all objects, their movements and environments composing a scene are converted to 3DCG and replaced into virtual space. That makes it possible to shoot both real and virtual objects simultaneously.
To provide flexibility, our virtual production consists of various toolsets: real time tracking system using Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM), virtual studio sets created by photogrammetric technology, virtual characters made up with motion and facial capture workflow. The game engine consolidates all these data and renders in real time.
We are also working on procedural generation of virtual sets and next steps of motion capture method and virtual characters.


Exhibition content

You can see and try our real time tracking and compositing system with a movie camera.
We will show videos about how virtual production has worked in actual projects.