We accept reservations for symposiums, seminars and stage events. As we stop accepting reservations for each event as soon as the number reaches the limit, we recommend you to make a reservation well in advance especially for popular events.

Please note:
●There are some events where no reservations are accepted.
●We can accept walk-up guests if there are vacancies but we recommend earlier reservations.
●When you cancel your reservation, please let us know of your cancellation. How to cancel a reservation is indicated on the reservation confirmation mail which you received.
●Please receive an admission ticket for each event at Reservation Desk in DC EXPO Exhibition Hall (1st Floor) before attending the event. Therefore, please bring a print-out of the reservation acceptance e-mail or show the e-mail screen of your device to the desk attendant.
●Please understand we might start giving your seats to walk-up guests five minutes before the event starts. Please come five minutes before the event starts even if you have a reservation.
●Please contact the following if you have questions about attending events:
Digital Content Expo (DC EXPO) Office at Digital Content Association of Japan (DCAJ)
Contacts: Chieko Omori, Naobumi Seo or Mayumi Tanabe
Event Titleビジネスデー(27日/金)への事前登録
Outline記入いただいた登録情報はDCAJが取得し、同協会の個人情報保護方針(プライバシーポリシー)に則り管理されます。またこの情報はDCEXPO2017ビジネスデーの来場登録及び、来場登録者と出展者のスマート名刺交換によるビジネスマッチングを目的に収集させていただいております。 入場者が会場内のInnovative Technologies+2017及びContent Technology Showcaseの各出展者と連絡先交換を希望する場合は、各ブースに設置した「スマート名刺交換」専用リーダでQRコードを登録することで、同協会の保有する当該入場者の個人情報は、当該出展社と共有させていただくことになります。取得した個人情報は上記利用目的以外に、本人の同意を得ることなく、第三者に開示することはありません。 DCAJのプライバシーポリシーは以下のURLです。 http://www.dcaj.or.jp/pdf/privacy20170401.pdf
Event PlaceExhibition Area, 1st Floor13:00〜17:00
TimeOctober 27, Friday13:00〜17:00