TC-153A“SIGGRAPH2018 Computer Animation Festival Travelling Show in Tokyo” and Introduction to “SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Tokyo”
Thu 15 Nov
Conference Hall201 A
15:30 - 16:30
This conference has pre-registration Register from the Inter BEE website concurrently with DCEXPO
Yukio Ando
EXA CORPORATION/Smart System Division,
SIGGRAPH Tokyo Chapter Chair
Born in Hokkaido, Japan. Belongs to EXA Corporation. Google Certified Design Sprint Master. ACM SIGGRAPH Tokyo chair person.
Specialized in 3D experience computer graphics and user experience design including OpenGL.
Starting from the Web, information appliances, smartphone applications, VR system, giant stereoscopic dome theater, Digital signage, media art, working a wide range of work.
"How to Make Sense of Any Mess" translation, "Advanced RenderMan" translation.
"Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction" translation, "Generative Design "translation, "Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists"
translation and many others