XPRIZE Advisor, Board of Advisors of Virtual World Society
Jacquelyn Morie’s 30 years of researching & creating meaningful VR experiences includes multi-sensory techniques for VR that can predictably elicit emotional responses from participants. Her company All These Worlds, LLC is active in social VR, Mindfulness, storytelling & stress relief applications. In 2016 she concluded a project for NASA called ANSIBLE, a full virtual world ecosystem designed to provide psychological benefits for future astronauts who will undertake extremely long isolated missions to Mars. It was tested in the HISEAS analog facility in Hawaii, with a team of 6 scientists sequestered for a year to simulate the conditions of isolation on Mars, including long communications delays. She also investigates the use of personal avatars for how they affect our human selves. She invented a novel scent release device RemniScent, to aid in the evocative power of VR experiences.
Dr. Morie has advanced degrees in both Fine Art and Computer Science. Her career also spans exceptional accomplishments in education, developing digital media programs at the Ringling College of Art and Design, the University of Central Florida, the Walt Disney Animation Studios, VIFX, Blue Sky and Rhythm and Hues, and Otis College of Art and Design. She was instrumental in the creation of the University of Southern California’s Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT), where she served as a Senior Researcher for 14 years.
She is currently on the board of directors of several future-oriented immersive media companies, and is also a senior technical advisor to the XPRIZE’s ANA Avatar Prize, which challenges teams to create a robotic avatar people can inhabit from a distance. Her new 22-chapter book, co-edited with Kate McCallum, The Handbook of Research on the Global Impacts and Roles of Immersive Media, was published by IGI Global in early 2020.
Paul H.Dietz 氏
Technical Fellow at Tactual Labs Co./SIGGRAPH2021 Emerging Technologies Chair
Paul Dietz is a prolific inventor of technologies for interactive experiences. He is best known for his seminal work on multitouch that helped drive the adoption of this now ubiquitous interface. He has held senior research positions at Walt Disney Imagineering, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs and Microsoft. Paul co-founded and led Misapplied Sciences which was formed to commercialize his breakthrough display technology that can simultaneous show different images to each viewer without the needed for glasses. For the last year, he has been a Technical Fellow at Tactual Labs where he has been leading efforts to commercialize his latest invention which is all about understanding and manipulating shape. Paul holds an SB from MIT, and MS and PhD degrees from Carnegie Mellon, all in Electrical Engineering. He is currently serving as Chair for SIGGRAPH 2021 Emerging Technologies.
生粋のシリコンバレーネイティブ。テクノロジー業界においてアメリカと日本を股にかける様々な役割を担ってきた。現在はデジタルエンターテイメント関連テクノロジーに豊富な経験を持つIntertrust に勤務。それ以前は、デジタルメディアやその他市場を取り上げる日経エレクトロニクスのシリコンバレー在住記者として数十年もの間活躍。今現在も日経産業新聞にコラムを寄稿しており、2017年から2019年にかけてはJapan Society of Northern Californiaとスタンフォード大学主催Japan - U.S. Innovation Awards programにおける Innovation Advisory Council for the Japan の一員を務めた。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校では文学士号を取得した。東京の国際基督教大学にも在籍した。
Chan Wei Siang 氏
Executive Director, Toyonaka Investment and Consultancy Pte Ltd.
現在、シンガポール拠点の直接投資持ち株会社兼コンサルティング会社Toyonaka Investment and Consultancy Pte LtdのExecutive Directorを務める。この会社はアジアの企業を対象に資金調達、コーポレートファイナンス、M&A、投資コンサルティング、国際間提携や産業融合などを扱っている。また、投資、貿易促進、国内の中小企業や民間部門の発展に向けた取り組み、官民パートナーシップの構築やベンチャーキャピタル産業の発展に関して、世界各国の官僚の顧問、育成、コーチングを兼任。
以前はアジア全域に物流サービスを展開するOverland Total Logistic ServicesのSenior Deputy Manager兼COOとして事業会社を経営。
シンガポールの空港サービス・機内食を手掛ける上場企業SATSにてChief Representative for Greater Chinaを務め、それ以前は中国、日本、シンガポールに展開する不動産業にも携わった。