ASIAGRAPH 2014 匠赏・创赏 获奖纪念专题研讨会「宇宙×动漫×技术」
今年的ASIAGRAPH匠赏是,2010年搭乘“发现号”航天飞机,作为史上日本人女性宇航员的第二人;离开了JAXA之后,开始向人们传递实现了宇宙梦的宝贵经验,并举行多场演说给予孩子们梦想与力量的山崎直子女士。创赏是,今年,凭借剧场用动画『乔瓦尼之岛』在加拿大・蒙特利尔举办的第18届Fantasia电影节中,获得观众奖・今敏賞,并且由于『攻壳机动队ARISE』的公开成为话题的Production I.G公司的社长,日本动漫的国际商业牵线人石川光久先生。
How about holding a seminar or workship at Digital Content Expo?
The seminar and the workshop are also invited in DIGITALCONTENT EXPO. It relates to the contents field, and if a company and an organization sponsor, you can subscribe. If the direction which said "I want the researcher of a company or a university to participate" and "gather people and information dissemination were serious although always held independently" is examined by all means. For details, please read "guidance of a participating program."