- Title
- DE-151Short presentation by Content & Technology Showcase exhibitors(3)
- Dates
- Fri 15 Nov
- Site
- Open stage in Dcexpo, Exhibition Hall 5
- Time
- 11:00 - 12:46
- Pre-registration
- There is no advance registration for this conference
11:00 - 11:10 Kamikochi expressed as a curved surface(Doublenest Booth Number:D508)
11:12 - 11:22 Mixed Reality solution[QuantuMR] (Pocket Queries, Inc.,Booth Number:D512)
11:24 - 11:34 Preserve the real world ~3D Laser Scanning which enable us to Remodel Everywhere and “Create” as you want.
(KUMONOS Corporation Booth Number:D406)11:36 - 11:46 Glass-less 3D & VR & AI(Bunkyo University Faculty of Information and Communication Booth Number:D514)
11:48 - 11:58 VR Motion Simulator with a Large Screen “IMMERSIVE DISPLAY”(Hashilus Co, Ltd. Booth Number:D410)
12:00 - 12:10 Digitizaition and Utilization of Cultural Assets(Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. Booth Number:D601)
12:12 ー 12:22 Sound of Things(PIONEER CORPORATION Booth Number:D409)
12:24-12:34 Business × Gamification(Linked Brain Inc. Booth Number:D513)
12:36 - 12:46 Sky Canves project: space entertinment including Manmade Meteor Shower and data science(ALE Co.,Ltd. Booth Number:509)