ACM SIGGRAPH招聘トークセッション
ACM SIGGRAPH's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee MemberのDaniel Pillis氏より、CG及びインタラクティブ技術コミュニティにおける『インクルージョン』について語っていただきます。そして、SIGGRAPH External Relations Committee Chair (2020-2021)であるTomasz Bednarz氏、SIGGRAPH2022 Emerging Technologies Chair, Mk Haley氏、SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 Conference Chair 塩田周三氏、SIGGRAPH International Resources Committee 青木美穂氏が若いクリエイターや研究者に熱いメッセージを送ります。
12月に開催されるSIGGRAPH AsiaのConference Chairが語る最新情報も満載です(Inter BEE FORUM内で開催)。

株式会社ポリゴン・ピクチュアズ 代表取締役
上智大学法学部国際関係法学科卒業。 1991年 新日本製鐡株式會社入社。 1997年 株式会社ドリーム・ピクチュアズ・スタジオ立ち上げに参画後、1999年 株式会社ポリゴン・ピクチュアズ入社。 2003年代表取締役に就任し、海外マーケット開拓に注力。 TV シリーズ制作や海外市場をターゲットにしたコンテンツ企画開発を実現する。一方で、 Prix Ars Electronica(オーストリア )、 SIGGRAPH(米 ) 、アヌシー国際アニメーション映画祭(仏)などの国内外映像祭の審査員を歴任。 2008年には米国アニメー ション専門誌 Animation Magazine が選ぶ「 25 Toon Titans of Asia」の一人に選定された。 2021年 12月開催の SIGGRAPH ASIAではカンファレンス・チェアを務める。米国育ち、趣味はバンド活動。

パネリスト:Tomasz Bednarz
SIGGRAPH External Relations Committee Chair (2020-2021)/SIGGRAPH 2021 Frontiers Chair and SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 Demoscene Chair, UNSW Art & Design / CSIRO's Data61
Tomasz is a Director and Head of Visualisation at the Expanded Perception & Interaction Centre (EPICentre), A/Professor at the UNSW Art & Design and UNSW Computer Science and Engineering. He is also Research Team Leader at CSIRO’s Data61 (leading Visual/Hybrid Analytics Team, in Software & Computational Systems research program). He also leads Simulation and Modelling Cross-Cutting Capability for CSIRO’s Future Science and Technology. His current roles reflect his conviction to a holistic approach to the wicked problems facing the collation, analytics and display of big data. His approach is expansive and encompasses the use of novel and emerging technologies. Over the last couple of years, he has been involved in wide range of projects in area of immersive visualisation, human-computer interaction, computational imaging, image analysis and processing, visualisation, simulation, modelling, computer graphics, computer games, computational fluid dynamics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and multi-sensors assimilation. He was Conference Chair of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2019.

パネリスト:Mk Haley
SIGGRAPH2022 Emerging Technologies Chair, Lecturer at The University of Texas
Mk has more than 25 years of experience in Themed Entertainment Design with Walt Disney Imagineering in Production and R&D. She has also taught Computer Animation, Game Design and Themed Entertainment Design at Carnegie Mellon University, Florida State University, UCLA, & UT Austin. With over 30 years of service to industry associations, Mk is also a huge supporter of the ACM SIGGRAPH Conference planning process as well as the Themed Entertainment Association Conferences and Academic Society.

パネリスト:Miho Aoki
SIGGRAPH International Resources Committee, アラスカ大学フェアバンクス校 准教授
Miho Aoki is an Associate Professor of Computer Art at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. She received MFA from the Ohio State University and an alumna of the Advanced Computing Center for Arts and Design. She started her professional teaching career at the Savannah College of Art and Design in 1999. She has exhibited her artworks internationally and has received awards, including TOREI Digital Arts Awards Grand Prix. She is currently a member of the ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee, International Resources Committee, and External Relations Committee and was the chair of the Symposium on Education of SIGGRAPH Asia conferences from 2015 to 2017.

第1部 スピーカー : Daniel Pillis
ACM SIGGRAPH's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee Member
D. Pillis is a creative computer science researcher, queer media archeologist and immersive experience designer, who works with robotics and interactive computer graphics to create large-scale immersive installations. Recently, they have taught at Princeton University, Virginia Tech, and they hold a graduate degree from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh PA, where they studied under the father of computer graphics, Dr. Ivan Sutherland and Dr. Jessica Hodgins, Research Director at Facebook AI Research lab in Pittsburgh, PA. Under the direction of Tony Baylis, Director of Strategic Diversity and Inclusion Programs at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, they have been a founding member in the development of ACM SIGGRAPH's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, where they work to ensure that all forms of identity are welcome and embraced in our community.