Advantages of Being a CTS Exhibitor
CTS Exhibitors can hope for inspiration for new business and creation through meeting and communication with those various businesspersons who are interested in advanced content technology and trends in digital content.
As digital content and advanced digital content technology developed or produced by industry and academia are posted simultaneously on the same official website of DCEXPO, CTS exhibitors can expect chances to start and proceed with new industry-academia projects.
The exhibitor’s website will carry explanation, still pictures, videos and other materials about your exhibition. Visitors can communicate directly with exhibitors using the chat function of the website in the business hours of the three days of DCEXPO.
Exhibitors can receive information after the event such as about those visitors who downloaded their documents and those visitors who had a chat with them.
CTS exhibitors can become nominees for Special Prize of ACM SIGGRAPH, international academic society for computer graphics and interactive techniques if they wish and when they are selected, they will have a right to have their exhibit shown (*) at Emerging Technology of SIGGRAPH which is held in the U.S. or Canada the next year. (*) It will be exhibited online if SIGGRAPH becomes online.
Exhibitor Application Guidelines
■ FeesRegular Price | JPY99,000 (Inclusive of Japanese consumption tax) |
DCAJ Member Price (*2) | JPY89,100 (Inclusive of Japanese consumption tax) |
(*2) Go to https://www.dcaj.or.jp/english/member/list.html to confirm if you are a member.
■ The fees include (*3):➣ Exhibitor’s name and logo, and still picture of the product/service posted on the home page of CTS Exhibitor Website. ➣ Right to use the exhibitor’s webpage, linking videos, posting documents for downloading and utilizing a chat function.
(*3) Please see the diagram below which explains how DCEXPO Online works.
Diagram: How DCEXPO Online Works
Please agree to observe the exhibitor regulations, accept our privacy policy and then follow the procedure below. ➣ Download the exhibitor application/contract, fill in the necessary columns and then, e-mail the filled document to DCAJ (apply@dcexpo.jp) as an attached file.
DCAJ will confirm by e-mail its receipt of your application. The contract becomes valid on the date shown in the text portion of the confirmation e-mail and you have the obligation to pay the fees.
- Digital Content Expo 2020 (Content & Technology Showcase) Exhibitor Regulations
- DCAJ’s Privacy Policy
- Digital Content Expo 2020 (Content & Technology Showcase) Exhibitor Application/Contract
August 3 to September 30, 2020 ➣ The application deadline has been extended until October 20.
■ Deadline to pay the feesOctober 30, 2020 (*4) ➣ The payment deadline has been extended until November 30. (*4): If payment not confirmed by deadline, no right to use Exhibitor Website, etc. might be given.
■ Ask questions if any to: Digital Content Association of Japan (DCAJ) 23-3 Ichiban-cho, Suite #LB, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0082 Japan E-mail: apply@dcexpo.jp